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What is peptide?

It is found in research on protein through Neontology that there is an intermediate substance that consists of amino acid yet is different from protein. This substance provided with protein property is called Active Peptide. Peptide refers to bioactive substance involving multiple cell function in organism. It is essential to various complex biological activities carried out by the body. It covers various areas such as hormone,nerve,cell growth and generation. It is important in balancing the organs and cells in each system of the body and maintaining their health. It has been recognized by exports that Peptide is characterized with super activity and diversity, and light molecular weight,thus it can be fully absorbed by the body in a way that is most complete and aggressive, or that almost no energy consumption is required. Therefore, products made in the form of Peptide are characterized with more remark able effect comparing with products made in other forms. And now it is easy to understand that Acne&Beauty Peptide Capsule is more effective than other products in the same category in performing functional such as removing acne,curing pockmark,and smoothing skin.